The mini comic The Powers Of Grayskull (POG) The Legend Begins
was the first in a three part saga that came packaged with
"They were going to introduce a new toyline, a spin-off from
Masters of the Universe and Princess of Power ... a whole new
universe." (1) The mini comics purpose was to bridge MOTU to
the new powers of grayskull (POG) toyline. Unfortunately it never
made it past part one and we have been left with questions ever
sense. I hope this page will help to clear up some misconceptions
and be a complete source for all that is known about POG.
along with the giants TYTUS and MEGATOR who only saw production
in Europe. The giants never where marked as a part of POG, but
the box art clearly shows that they where intended for the line.
Its also important to note the main character from the new spin
off was to be he-ro, who appeared on the packaging of TURBODACTYL
along with the giants.
Thanks to forum member pH6 we also know this sticker
was produced. The image comes directly from Mattel, it was
included in a style guide that was sent to companies who created
licensed products.
The basic premise was outlined on the back of the dinosaurs
packaging, an edited version appeared on the giants.
"Travel back in time through a secret time portal- and
discover the origin of the powers of Grayskull.
Learn how He-Man became so strong! And explore the magical world
of Pre-Eternia home of He-Ro, the most
powerful wizard in the universe.
Monstrous dinosaurs and fierce giants- both good and evil-
struggle violently for control of this strange
and hostile land. The dinosaurs in the time of He-Ro
Tyrantisaurus Rex, Bionatops, and Turbodactyl- each
possess a fantastic mechanical power. Can He-Ro master all the
good magics of the ancient wizards, and protect
future eternia from forever falling into the claws of evil?
Look for He-Ro and the Powers of Greayskull coming your way in
The "ancient wizards" must be a reference to the
council of elders.
Not much was ever addressed on the cartoon about the elders, what
we do know is scattered throughout books and mini comics.
We know from the golden book, I Have The Power that they once
ruled the land and all evil resided on the dark hemisphere, held
back by the mystic wall. Eternia's rich life spoiled the people,
and the Sorceress told them that the people needed to live on
their own again. They created Grayskull to house their secrets
and power. It was prophesied that a champion would one day use
its power to battle evil. The Sorceress was originally a member
of the council of elders. That info comes from the licensing
information accompanying the image of the sticker.
They also created the talon fighter as told by Zodac in the power
of point dread record/book that came packaged with the talon
fighter toy. Besides that they sank the three towers and banished
king hiss and his army as seen in the mini comics king of the
snake men and ultimate battel ground.
The series bible gives a lot more insight into the elders, but it
has been contradicted so many times in the cartoons and comics
that its hard to include information from the series bible in to
any canon at all.
That brings us to He-Ro, the most
powerful wizard in the universe, the guy on the box art and the
same "greatest sorcerer of all" that the Sorceress made
mention of.
Well, thanks to the Internet we know a lot about this guy. We
know he made it to the prototype stage of production on his
action figure, along with ELDOR, keeper of the book of living
spells. We also have a bio directly from Mattel that was included
in the same style guide as the sticker above, unfortunately it
never saw print.
Name: Gray
Identity: Secret (ancestor of He-Man and She-Ra)
Real Name: Hero, alter ego of Gray
Role: First recipient of the Powers of Grayskull and original
leader of the heroic forces in prehistoric Eternia against the
evil Dino Reptilian Kingdom
Power: As well as possessing the fabulous strength of He-Man,
He-Ro has another power uniquely his own. It is the power of
natural magic: an ability to magically influence elements of
nature. He-Ro draws his power from the Book of Transformation.
Character Profile: Reared under the tuteledge of his mentor,
ELDOR, and the tribal chieftess, Sharella, Gray was one day
mysteriously drawn to a nearby cave. There, in darkness and in
light, he was invested with the newly evolved powers that would
change his his life and alter the course of history in Eternia.
The exact details of what transpired in that cave have remained
secret, but Eldor has made cryptic allusions
references to
the boy's mysterious past, to an amazing legacy
and an
awesome task which Gray accomplished that day in the cave. By
placing one hand on his heart, flexing the other arm into a
muscle and incanting, "Magic and strength
tempered by
heart!" Gray causes an amazing transformation to occur,
becoming the He-Ro of Grayskull and announcing, "I stand for
Weapons: He-Ro channels his energy through a marvelous staff
which can direct a magic ray to specific parts of the
environment, causing the likes of inanimate rocks, rivers, and
trees to respond to his commands.
Note: With powers of this scope, it might seem ludicrous to
suggest any way in which He-Ro could be less powerful than
He-Man. But He-Man does have one power He-Ro lacks: the power of
wisdom and maturity. He-Ro is younger and still learning to use
his powers.
King Hiss also plays a very important role, as the main
conflict seams to be from his army. king hiss originally appeared
in the mini comic The King Of The Snake Men.
click to view
Once thought of as
myth by modern Eternian men and woman, in ancient times King Hiss
"ruled several planets in this universe" and when his
lust for power brought him to Eternia he took snake mountain as
his throne. His forces swept across the land, destroying all,
until the concentrated forces of the council of elders banished
them into a timeless dimension. Apparently the events of POG
happen before the elders banished king hiss from Eternia. Its
important to note that the climactic battel happened at the
palace of Eternia, as it doesn't exist in the point in time
he-man and the sorceress travel back to in the POG mini comic,
though that may just be a slip up from the writers. Its also
important to note that the Hordak and the evil horde existed back
then, and that not all the snake men where banished by the elders
as Rattlor and Tung Lashor joined The Horde. One more important
fact is about the power sword, king hiss knew about it and its
"The 'Nameless One' had something to do with Keldor becoming
Skeletor. I think he was their version of Emperor Palpatine, the
great evil behind everything else. As with everyone else, there
was no more backstory." (2) the plan was that keldor was to
be the central antagonist (1)
That brings us to The Search For Keldor Mini Comic.
The long lost brother of king Randor, Kedlor vanished when he
practiced magic years ago. Skeletor made it quite clear that he
didn't want Randor and the heroic warriors to find out what
happened to Keldor "for that knowledge would destroy
me" skeletor said.
"Keldor and Skeletor were the same person, hence the similar
spelling of the names."(1)
"The main idea was that if they found out Skeletor was
Keldor, they'd be able to find out what had changed him and might
find some way to reverse it." (2)
"As far as I remember, Keldor was Skeletor ... But, I don't
think that was ever going to be revealed ... I seem to remember
it as one of those things Mattel came up with out of the blue ...
Slur Keldor and you end up with Skeletor ... His backstory wasn't
really worked out. Some sort of evil
cosmic energies altered him.
I think they were going for a Darth
Vader thing, but it was a
tack-on." (2)
The three towers/ Eternia toy is one of the most pivotal parts of POG.
"we where putting a lot of emphasis on the eternia toy,
because it was so expensive and elaborate" said mini comic
writer Phil White, in an interview on
The Sorceress tells he-man the tale in the ultimate battel ground
mini comic;
"eons ago, before castle grayslull, there stood Grayskull
tower...A symbol of Goodness
there stood also Viper tower, A symbol of all that is evil.
Between the two, yet ever connected, stood central tower. central
tower held power both good and evil
drawn from the other two towers. This was the ultimate power!
The ancients where afraid it would fall into hands of their
greatest enemy...king hiss.
They banded together and cast a great spell, sinking the towers
far beneath the earth, to hide them form the vile reptile king!
later they where able to banish king hiss as well"
The "mystic machines" channels good and evil power and
channel it into who ever enters the cental tower. In the Enter
Buzz Saw Hordak mini comic, we learned Hordak gained new
abilities when he trespassed and before that, the defenses where
turning Hordak good.
Hordak also told the heroes that "only the rightful king of
Eternia can pass central towers guardian unharmed" and that
the central tower holds the secret of time travel.
But most importantly Hordak mentions that he aided in the
construction of central tower before his banishment to Etheria,
but makes no mention or hardly acknowledge the other two towers.
In SOTS he never recognized the swords, so he must have been
banished before they where created, but after the time king hiss
arrived on Eternia. "it was never explained what Hordak was
doing on Eternia" (2) during that time.
Beyond what side they fight for nothing is known about the giants
and "apparently no story had been developed for why the
dinosaurs where part mechanical" (1)
writer Phil White
writer Steven Grant
mini comics
king of the snake men
the ultimate battel ground
enter buzz saw hordak
search for Keldor
power of grayskull the legend begins